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'Enjoyment and enthusiasm linked with learning'

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'Enjoyment and enthusiasm linked with learning'

Tapestry Online Learning Journal

At Pre-School we started to using 'Tapestry Online Learning Journal' from October 2021.  Tapestry is now live for all parents, parents will receive an email once their child has started with us,  allowing them to activate their account. Once activated parent's will see their child's online journal. We take photos of 'WOW' moments for the children and upload them to the child's account.


Pre-School use Tapestry to work together with parents as an aid to communication.  We will include every child's next steps, their 2 year reviews, half-term 'home' learning and also some of the fun we have at Pre-School.


We would love parents to comment, share photos/videos and keep working together with us through Tapestry too.


Should parents send photos, we will get their child to 'show and tell'.  This is great for the child's communication and language development, as well as confidence building.


If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any member of staff. 
